April 4 – Tea Pot

Apr 3

Today I’m giving away this excellent tea pot.  It has a built-in infuser, makes enough for a large mug and was a gift from a good friend who I am actually seeing tonight.  I’m giving it away because I keep re-breaking the lid every time I use it.  I repair it and then break it again.  It is kind of driving me crazy so I’m putting it in the Looney Tooney sale box for my nephew.  I now use a cheap little pot that I bought at T & T but it makes great tea.

I will explain all and ask for forgiveness when I see her tonight.


About todayigaveaway

I'm trying to make more space in my life so I'm getting rid of stuff. All the things that I've been hanging on to that might have some utility for someone else, if no longer for me. I'm going to try to give something away every day.

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